2019 Poster Competition – Win a Double Pass!

The poster for the 2019 Time Travellers’ Ball is here. From today you should start seeing posters around the place. We’ve been accused of making our past poster competitions too easy, so this year we’re really ramping it up and making it truly difficult.

If you would like to win a double pass to the Ball then all you have to do is find the five hidden Easter eggs in the poster. Somewhere in this image are five hidden nods and winks to a few of our favourite things.

Just so it’s not too difficult, we’ll give you a clue to help find each one:

  • One is from a sci fi movie.
  • Another is from a comedy.
  • The third is a horror reference.
  • Next is an epic fantasy.
  • The last is a bit different, it’s one of our favourite bands.

Email your five answers to revels@thetimetravellersball.com along with your name and address, and we will announce the winner next week.

It may be quite difficult to find what you’re after in the picture below, so we guess you’ll just have to find one of our much bigger posters out there in the real world.

Good luck!
